Types of property to rent in the Netherlands


Types of property to rent in the Netherlands | Main image

Choosing the right home is a crucial decision for every person. The Netherlands offers a wide range of housing options, each catering to distinct preferences and lifestyles. Here's a detailed guide to the different types of housing you can explore in this charming country. Which type aligns best with your needs and those of your family?


Houses are the most popular type of property in the Netherlands.They offer a quieter, more private lifestyle. Ideal for families or those seeking a peaceful retreat.

Houses can be:

  • Detached houses (Vrijstaand)
  • Semi-detached houses (Twee onder een kap)
  • Terraced/Town houses (Rijtjeshuis)

Detached Housing

Detached house
Detached house

Detached houses in the Netherlands provide residents with a sense of privacy and ample space. This is an entirely independent house without neighbors either below or above. As a rule, this is the most expensive real estate. Typically surrounded by a front and back gardens, these residences offer tranquility, a heightened sense of privacy compared to other housing types.

Detached houses are often located outside city centers. Major cities like Amsterdam, Rotterdam, The Hague, Utrecht with densely populated centers, have limited space for detached houses. As a result, such houses ideal for families seeking a peaceful retreat or individuals who cherish independence and spaciousness associated with detached living.

Semi-detached houses

Semi-detached house
Semi-detached house

Semi-detached houses, a popular housing option, offer a space-saving and more cost-effective alternative to acquiring a fully detached house. In this arrangement, two properties share a common wall and are typically designed as mirror images of one another. This shared structure not only optimizes space but also contributes to cost efficiency. Despite the shared wall, semi-detached homes maintain individuality, each having its own porch and garden. This architectural design strikes a balance between community living and personal space, providing an appealing middle ground for those seeking both affordability and a sense of autonomy in their living arrangements.

This housing type is prevalent in both urban and suburban areas, fostering a sense of neighborhood camaraderie while allowing residents to enjoy the benefits of an individual dwelling.

Terraced/Town houses

Terraced/Town house
Terraced/Town house

Terraced houses are a common sight across the entire country, seamlessly blending into the Dutch landscape. In the Netherlands, the term "terraced house" refers to a property constructed as part of an unbroken row, often adhering to a consistent architectural style. This housing arrangement reflects a harmonious unity, creating a cohesive visual appeal along the streets and neighborhoods. They are the most popular in the Netherlands.The concept of terraced houses embraces a sense of community living, where each property contributes to the overall aesthetic of the row, forming a picturesque and uniform streetscape.



Living in an apartment entails having neighbors either below, above, or both, depending on the floor you occupy. This vertical arrangement of housing units creates a sense of shared space within the building.

Apartments represent a popular choice for those seeking an urban lifestyle. Apartments in the Netherlands offer modern living with easy access to amenities, public transport, and the vibrant energy of city life. They cater to diverse tastes and preferences, from chic lofts to cozy studios.



A houseboat is a waterborne dwelling crafted for the purpose of habitation, combining the functionality of a boat with the comfort and amenities of a home. Moored along picturesque canals, houseboats provide a serene blend of waterfront living and urban vibrancy. Houseboats come in various designs, offering a distinctive and charming lifestyle, often characterized by a close connection to nature.

Conclusion: Finding Your Dutch Haven

Navigating the housing market can pose challenges, particularly in bustling metropolises. The increased presence of international professionals and students has intensified the demand for housing. If you're an individual with a flexible lifestyle, considering shared accommodation might be a viable solution. This involves renting a room within a house, apartment, or even a houseboat, where you coexist with other residents, sharing facilities such as the living space, kitchen, bathroom, and outdoor areas like gardens or balconies.

Whether you're drawn to the solitude of a detached house, the community spirit of terraced living, or the uniqueness of a houseboat, the Netherlands provides a diverse range of housing options to suit various preferences. As you explore the diverse housing options in the Netherlands, take into account the unique characteristics and lifestyles associated with each type to discover the ideal home that aligns with your individual preferences.

Note: The images used in this article are for illustrative purposes only and may not represent specific properties available for rent or purchase.