Tips for searching an apartment in the Netherlands


Tips for searching an apartment in the Netherlands | Main image

It's challenging to rent an apartment in the Netherlands. The country is quite small, and demand is usually very high. So, we will share some tips with you to ease your search experience.

There are two main sites in the Netherlands. Those are and

It's really easy to set up the search with some custom parameters there. You can even subscribe to this search and receive new offers to your email.

But if you want to be quicker and really have time you can check all estates’ sites in a city. Because some offers will be visible there earlier than on aggregator sites.

Please take into account that yours and your partner's combined gross income should be 2x or 3x of rent price.

And don't forget to create a small cover letter to respond to the offer. It will make the response time quicker.

If you already know what city you want to live in, we advise you to check its districts. You can rely on this map and check police issues in districts.

Hope these tips were useful to you. We wish you to find the apartment of your dreams!